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IBM Instana: ConSol is IBM Business Partner

for Everyone

Containers, microservice architectures, and cloud-native applications – does monitoring these dynamic system landscapes also present challenges to your IT?

See your applications more clearly than ever before! ConSol knows IBM® Instana® from practical experience and will competently guide you on your journey of application automation and optimization.

Cloud and distributed systems like K8s are inherently complex. To maintain an overview, observability solutions are a must. With IBM Instana, you can quickly identify problems and receive AI-supported recommendations for resolving them.

Lukas Höfer
Cloud Solutions Architect

Hybrid Cloud Observability with IBM Instana


Identify application dependencies. Diagnose and resolve issues proactively. Faster deployments lead to higher customer satisfaction. Make DevSecOps a lived culture: from the Product Owner and Application Developer to the Platform Team and Infrastructure Operations.

Risk Reduction

IBM Instana utilizes Machine Learning (ML) and enables automatic monitoring and detection of service anomalies and causes that lead to incidents for users.

Higher application availability and shorter resolution times reduce operational costs.

Resource Optimization

IBM Instana represents comprehensive observability. It is not limited to super-users but provides all users in DevOps, SRE, or IT Ops with the data they need.
Additionally, IBM Instana enables optimization of the utilized infrastructure and cloud resources.

IBM Instana:
Leader in automation,
telemetry & tracing

Automatic monitoring of the Observability platform goes deeper than classical monitoring. It not only shows you where a problem occurs but also its cause. IBM Instana automatically captures Observability metrics, traces, and events. IBM Instana contextualizes the dependencies between applications, services, and infrastructures. It offers a Single Source of Truth.

IBM Business Partner ConSol: Our Strengths, Your Benefit

Proven and Practical

ConSol has more than 40 years of cross-industry project expertise, especially in application development. As an IBM Business Partner, we have long focused on optimizing applications with the Enterprise Observability Platform IBM Instana.


We have over a decade of cloud experience. ConSol plans, designs, operates & monitors cloud platforms.
We are the experts in implementing modern platforms such as Red Hat OpenShift and AWS.

Technologically Excellent

Whether open-source or commercial – we work technology-agnostically and are proficient in all technologies.
For test automation, we rely on Citrus, the open-source tool developed by ConSol.


As a Red Hat Premier Business Partner, we are thoroughly familiar with all products, from implementation to operation. As an AWS Partner, we have successfully managed over 30 cloud projects. Additionally, we are a NGINX Preferred Partner.

More than 
200 customers 
trust ConSol 
for their 
IT & Software

Real-time Observability: Any Questions about our Instana Services?

Let's talk!

Marc Mühlhoff

# IT Ops
# Observability
# Cloud Services
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