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AI Ops: AI in IT Operations

Intelligence &

Your IT operations are constantly getting bigger and more complex. Your performance monitoring is generating an exponentially growing number of warnings and service tickets. Your existing observability dashboards are stretched to the max.

With Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps), ConSol has a revolutionary solution for you. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, AIOps derives automation processes from the ever-increasing volume of logs and metrics. This reduces the amount of manual monitoring and maintenance you require.

AIOps: Proactive Management of IT Infrastructure

Quality Assurance

Better quality through automatic anomaly-recognition that quickly identifies diverging values. The system emits a warning or takes its own corrective measures.

Holistic Overview

AIOps automatically gathers and correlates data from various sources. Bringing these data sources together helps you understand the overall status of your IT environment.

Takes Pressure off your Operating Team

Staff can focus on more acutely important projects. The automated cause-analysis relieves your team of having to do manual troubleshooting. That saves time and costs.

24/7 Monitoring

AIOps monitors all activities in real time, and informs you of problems early on, so you can fix them before downtimes impact your business processes.

IT landscapes are becoming increasingly dynamic and complex. We are happy to analyze your IT infrastructure and identify the perfect AIOps tools for you, ensuring that you can efficiently meet the high expectations for uninterrupted system operation.

Stefan Fournier
Teamleiter IT-Operations

Smart Technology 

AIOps closes the gap between a dynamic IT landscape and the expectation of permanently available systems. ConSol analyzes your IT infrastructure and advises you on the right AIOps tools to use, based on a proof of concept. That way, your Operations team keeps control over ever more complex IT environments and ensures performance of the applications.

More than 
200 customers 
trust ConSol 
for their 
IT & Software

AIOps: How it Works

Big Data

AIOps uses a smart big data platform to aggregate IT operating data isolated in silos, in once place.

Analysis & Machine Learning

AIOps scans through all data and identifies significant patterns in the system's performance, and availability issues.

Automation & Proactive Problem Solving

AIOps proactively detects anomalies and alarms your IT department. In the ideal case, the results of the machine learning can be processed to trigger automatic system reactions that solve problems in real time.

Continuous Learning With AI

AIOps tools are constantly learning. Empirical data from the past and current usage help to better manage similar alerts in the future.

AIOps: Tools & Platforms

Any more Questions about Enhanced IT Operations with AI Ops?

Let's talk!

Marc Mühlhoff

# IT Ops
# Observability
# Cloud Services
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