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Managed Cloud: 24/7 IT Operations in the Cloud

Full Service
for your
cloud environment

Hybrid Cloud, Public, Private or Multi Cloud – no matter which solution you decide on, we will operate your applications and services in the target environment of your choice. Smooth, scalable, with highest performance, secure and according to your individual SLAs.

You have one hundred percent cost control – and we do keep an eye on those costs as well: Resource management for example, helps us to reduce slack server capacities and makes us your perfect contact for all cloud issues. We will also be happy to advise you on cloud readiness and on selecting suitable services.

The ConSol IT operations team is available around the clock to ensure you stay on track, even during emergencies. We operate across platforms and maintain strategic partnerships to provide comprehensive support.

Peter Hotter
Head of IT-Operations

German language. Around the clock.

In accordance with the SLA, you will be able rely on trusted, qualified contacts speaking your language, as well as on high-quality IT operations close to you. Up to 24/7.

Field-tested – from M to XL

Benefit from our best practices! ConSol experts derive their knowledge from more than four decades of company project experience across all sectors – in medium-sized companies as in well as DAX corporations and other heavyweights.

Customized with Flexible SLAs

You determine the scope of services you want our team to provide for you: You determine service level, priorities and response times individually, thus also constantly controlling costs.

At a Par

At ConSol, we write partnership and non-proprietary consulting in capital letters. This enables us to solve even the most complex tasks competently and efficiently – in the interest of our customers.

Step by Step. No risk.

You determine the services you want and the tasks you want to entrust ConSol with. Simply choose from our service range of single and consecutive modules. To us, the single important goal is the success of your implementation.

Technological Expertise

Among others we know the AWS and Microsoft Azure platforms like the back of our hand. We also know how to work with all common cloud and container technologies – including OpenStack, Kubernetes, and Docker.

Benefit from
Certifications &

Benefit from our cross-platform experience and the profound technical expertise of our IT operations team. We are ISO-9001- and ISO-27001-certified. Perfect processes and the strict protection of your data in accordance with all data protection regulations to us are matter of course.

Last but not least, ConSol is a Red Hat Premier Partner, maintaining also strategic partnerships, e.g.  with AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Microsoft Azure. This makes us the perfect provider for your individual Managed Cloud.

Managed Cloud: Full-service IT Know-how Under one Roof

Cloud services and operations represent only a part of ConSol’s portfolio. We are a full-service IT service provider and your contact for all cloud issues – from analysis of your cloud readiness to the design of a tailored cloud and microservice architecture up to migration and implementation. We also develop cloud-native software for your specific application. In addition, our software engineers will support you in setting up a CI/CD pipeline. Benefit from excellent interdisciplinary expertise – from a single source!

Technologies & Competencies in the Managed Cloud Environment

More than 
200 customers 
trust ConSol 
for their 
IT & Software

Managed Cloud
fot more
Cost Control & 

Today, the cloud is the most important option for optimizing IT operations and thus an elementary instrument of digital transformation. For modern companies and their management, IT infrastructure must always be available quickly and reliably, flexible, and optimally scalable. Decisive factors are also cost savings, using dynamic cost models for hardware and software, reducing administration costs, and access to the latest expert know-how.

ConSol is your experienced partner at a par, operating your cloud environments individually and according to tailored SLAs, ensuring optimal performance. Whether you rely on a hybrid, a public, private or multi cloud, ConSol's experts and operational teams will become your single point of contact, providing a sound knowledge of almost all cloud issues. Benefit from these advantages.

Any more Questions about Managed Cloud?

Let's talk!

Marc Mühlhoff

# IT Ops
# Observability
# Cloud Services
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