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Workshops & IT Trainings - Expand your Expertise with ConSol

Developing a
Vision together

You know essentially where you want to get to with your IT project, but you don't have a detailed roadmap? In our Requirements Workshops, IT trainings and architecture reviews, we want to get to know you and find out what is really important to you. Together we develop a precise vision, prioritize your requirements and determine the exact steps needed to achieve your objective.

Even if you have a clear view of your IT project, an external expert perspective can make the crucial difference in efficiently achieving your goal. Get exactly the support you need from us!

Christoph Ehlers
Head of Custom IT Solutions

We enable 
We empower

The demands on your IT infrastructure are rising and you have to build up your technical know-how to cope with them? Among the central pillars of our customer relationships are knowledge exchange and the conviction that we have to keep mutually expanding our expertise in order to achieve the best results. We offer workshops on modern app development, IT automation, container platforms and more, to help you actively pursue your goals.

More than 
200 customers 
trust ConSol 
for their 
IT & Software

Our Technological Know-How for Workshops & Trainings

Any Questions about ConSol Workshops & Training Sessions?

Let's talk!

Judith Bato

# Monitoring
# Open Source
# AWS Cloud Services
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